David Carson

David Carson, an American-born graphic designer, photographer, filmmaker, and mixed media fine artist, is widely recognized for revolutionizing the field of graphic design. From his early endeavors with Transworld Skateboarding to his storied time at Surfer Magazine, followed by influential roles as Art Director for Beach Culture and RayGun during the 1990s, Carson’s unparalleled manipulation of typography and experimental layouts elevated type into an art form, providing a fresh and often controversial expressive approach to storytelling. His disruptive methods challenged conventional norms, garnering him international acclaim and recognition. Named one of Apple’s “30 most innovative users,” Carson reshaped the landscape of graphic design, pushing boundaries and expanding possibilities. His enduring legacy includes a Master Class and the prestigious AIGA Gold Medal for design excellence. Notable collaborations with Macallan Whiskey, Carver Skateboards, and involvement in the development of a new skatepark in Dubai underscore his ongoing impact. Beyond print media, Carson’s influence is evident in recent collage and photo exhibitions in New York City and Japan. He continues to inspire designers worldwide, evidenced by his Emmy nomination for the John Coltrane Box Set Design, as well as his contributions to branding for Shift Clean Energy and a clothing col-lab with Stussy taking archival imagery using David’s signature visual language.